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Kunihiro & El Maestro Mago

I had the joy and privilege of bringing Mauricio Carranza’s first children’s book- Kunihiro y el Maestro Mago (Kunihiro and the Wizard Sensei)- to life. I designed and illustrated this wonderful story about an unruly boy who finds his way under the guidance of his magical karate Sensei. It’s a book about gratitude, vocation and being of service to others. This charming and unexpected adventure is sure to keep kids and parents guessing.

Book cover for Kunihiro & El Maestro Mago. Children's book cover for a karate themed story.

Kunihiro & el Maestro Mago (Kunihiro and the Wizard Sensei) by Mauricio Carranza is a children's book about gratitude, vocation and being of service to others. The unruly and mischievous protagonist of the story grows and learns from karate and its philosophy, and ultimately becomes a more caring person.

The illustrations convey Kunihiro's bold energy through the use of vibrant colors and lush textures. This approachable graphic style invites readers to dive in and follow along Kunihiro's whimsical and surprising journey.

Inside spreads for illustrated children's book about karate.
Cover and inside spread for illustrated children's book about karate.